Picture of the cover of the book.

International User Interfaces

Book edited by Elisa del Galdo and Jakob Nielsen, published by John Wiley & Sons, New York, NY, 1996.
ISBN: 0-471-14965-9 (hardcover).

Table of Contents


1. International Usability Engineering

Jakob Nielsen

2. Problems in Designing the User Interface for Systems Supporting International Human-Human Communication

John Connolly

3. Developing a Cultural Model

Nancy Hoft

4. Culture and Design

Elisa M. del Galdo

5. Cultural Learning Differences in Software User Training

Eric Krock

6. Impact of Culture on User Interface Design

Masao Ito and Kumiyo Nakakoji

7. Arabization of Graphical User Interfaces

Fethi Amara and Franck Portaneri

8. A Chinese Text Display Suported by an Algorithm for Chinese Segmentation

Lei Chen and Wayning Jin

9. Case Study: Managing a Multiple-Language Document System

Steven Copeland

10. The Design of Multilingual Documents

Elisa M. del Galdo

11. An Intelligent Lexical Management System for Multilingual Machine Translation

Yong Gao

12. A Day in the Life: Studying Context across Cultures

Susan Dray and Deborah Mrazek

13. Icon and Symbol Design Issues for Graphical User Interfaces

Aaron Marcus

Copyright 1996 Sun Microsystems, Inc., 2550 Garcia Ave., Mtn. View, CA 94043-1100 USA. All rights reserved.