
ACM Transactions on Computer-Human Interaction (TOCHI)
published by the Association for Computing Machinery. This journal will probably be dominated by long in-depth papers reporting on major projects. Also, the computer science aspects of user interfaces may get more coverage than psychological and practical aspects.
ACM Computing Surveys
quarterly magazine, published by The Association for Computing Machinery's Special Interest Group on Computer-Human Interaction (ACM SIGCHI). This is an important source of information about current events in the field as it has a much shorter production cycle than the journals mentioned above. In fact, the SIGCHI Bulletin is probably the one publication to read on a regular basis for conference announcements and trip reports, updates on the standards committees, book reviews, and similar news.
ACM SIGCHI Interactions (ISSN 1072-5520)
(since 1994). This publication seems to be the most important publication for practicing user interface designers and developers in industry.
Behavior and Information Technology, (ISSN 0144-929X)
published by Taylor & Francis. This journal is a good source for reports on empirical studies of various aspects of user interfaces. Issue 1& 2 in 1994 was a special double issue on usability laboratories, providing detailed coverage of a range of laboratories and practical usability methods.
Communications of the ACM
Ergonomics in Design: The Magazine of Human Factors Applications (ISSN 1064-8046)
by The Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. This magazine includes coverage of industry-specific design issues for industries like aerospace, insurance, automobiles, medicine, and energy, as well as articles about broader applications.
Human Computer Interaction, (ISSN 0737-0024)
published by Lawrence Erlbaum Associates. This journal is dominated by long, somewhat academic papers with a bias in favor of psychological studies.
Human Factors Society Bulletin
Human Factors Journal, (ISSN 0018-7208)
by The Human Factors and Ergonomics Society. Contains some papers on computer-human interaction in addition to papers on other types of human factors and is especially valuable for hardware ergonomics issues.
Information Design Journal (ISSN 0142-5471)
often has articles relevant to the design of screens, printouts, and documentation.
Interacting with Computers (ISSN 0953-5438)
published by Butterworth-Heinemann in cooperation with the British Computer Society's specialist group on Human-Computer Interaction. This journal tends to have a fair number of conceptual papers and discussion pieces.
International Journal of Human-Computer Interaction (ISSN 1044-7318)
published by Ablex. This journal tends to have a broad perspective, with coverage of issues like occupational stress and organizational factors related to the use of computers.
International Journal of Human-Computer Studies (ISSN 1071-5819)
published by Academic Press. This journal is the oldest in the field (founded 1969) and was called International Journal of Man-Machine Studies (ISSN 1070-5819) until 1993. It publishes a mix of conceptual dialogue-analyses and empirical studies.
Zeitschrift für Arbeitswissenschaft
(englische Kommentare stammen von Jakob Nielsen )